Science for All: Mobile Labs Initiative

Description: Launched in 2020, the “Science for All: Mobile Labs Initiative” is a dynamic project aimed at extending the reach of scientific education and resources beyond traditional settings. This initiative involves the deployment of fully equipped mobile laboratories that travel across the Frankfurt region and wider Germany, particularly targeting rural and underserved communities. The mobile labs offer interactive science experiments, demonstrations, and educational sessions led by experienced educators and scientists.

Milestones and Advancements:

  • 2020: Launch of the first two mobile labs, equipped with state-of-the-art scientific equipment and educational materials.
  • 2021: Expansion to five mobile labs, covering a wider geographical area and including specialized equipment for environmental science and robotics.
  • 2022: Collaboration with local science festivals and schools to host educational events and workshops.
  • 2023: Introduction of virtual reality (VR) experiences in the mobile labs, offering immersive learning opportunities in various scientific fields.


  • To make science education accessible and engaging for communities with limited access to scientific resources.
  • To foster an interest in science among children and adults in rural and underserved areas.
  • To provide hands-on, experiential learning opportunities that encourage exploration and discovery.

Future Outlook (2024-2026):

  • Increasing the fleet of mobile labs and incorporating more advanced technologies and interactive learning tools.
  • Establishing partnerships with more local schools, community centers, and educational organizations for wider program outreach.
  • Introducing thematic labs focused on specific scientific areas such as renewable energy, space exploration, and biotechnology.

Partnerships: This initiative collaborates with local educational authorities, NGOs focused on rural education, and science communication organizations, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach.

Dedicated to advancing scientific research for a better tomorrow.


+ 49 163 496 47 30

Taunusanlage 8, 60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany