Green Innovations Lab

Description: Established in 2020, the “Green Innovations Lab” supports pioneering research in environmental science. The project funds advanced laboratory setups and collaborative research in renewable energy and sustainable technologies.

Milestones and Advancements:

  • 2016: Initial funding for five research labs focusing on renewable energy sources.
  • 2020: Launch of an international symposium on sustainability and renewable energy.
  • 2020: Introduction of a grant program for innovative environmental tech startups.
  • 2024: Expansion of research to include urban sustainability projects.


  • To drive significant advancements in environmental science.
  • To support the development of sustainable technologies and renewable energy sources.
  • To foster international collaboration on critical environmental issues.

Future Outlook (2024-2026):

  • Increasing investment in cutting-edge environmental research projects.
  • Strengthening industry partnerships for practical application of research findings.
  • Promoting global environmental initiatives and policies.

Partnerships: The project collaborates with the Fraunhofer Society and the European Environment Agency, leveraging their expertise and resources.

Dedicated to advancing scientific research for a better tomorrow.


+ 49 163 496 47 30

Taunusanlage 8, 60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany