Frankfurt Science Outreach Initiative

Description: Incepted in 2019, the “NeuroCare: Advancements in Head Trauma Research” project is a deeply personal endeavor for the Shaparak Foundation, inspired by our founder’s profound and personal experience that happened to a dear family member of his. This initiative is dedicated to advancing research in head trauma in sports, focusing on developing innovative treatments and understanding the complexities of neurological injuries. The project emphasizes collaboration with leading medical institutions and utilizes cutting-edge technologies to explore new frontiers in neurology.

Milestones and Advancements:

  • 2019: Launch of NeuroCare, concentrating initially on investigating the underlying mechanisms of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • 2021: Development and implementation of a comprehensive support network for individuals and families affected by head trauma, offering resources and community-based assistance.


  • To drive advancements in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of head trauma.
  • To innovate and disseminate effective therapy and support systems for TBI patients.
  • To cultivate a supportive and resource-rich environment for individuals impacted by brain injuries, promoting recovery and resilience.

Future Outlook (2024-2026):

  • Enhancing the scope of the research to encompass post-traumatic neurodegenerative conditions.
  • Initiating an international fellowship program to nurture emerging talent in neurotrauma research.
  • Establishing a comprehensive global consortium dedicated to TBI research, aiming to streamline communication and collaborative breakthroughs.

Partnerships: Engaging in strategic partnerships with leading neurological research institutions and healthcare facilities across Europe, ensuring a comprehensive and multidisciplinary research approach.

Investment: A commitment of €3 million from the Shaparak Foundation underscores the profound dedication to tackling the critical issue of head trauma, a mission deeply ingrained in the personal narrative of our founder.

Dedicated to advancing scientific research for a better tomorrow.


+ 49 163 496 47 30

Taunusanlage 8, 60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany